Scholarship funds are often based on a specific skill or ability, a major of study or a separate application. Eligibility requirements and amounts awarded vary. Below you will find a list of scholarships and grants available within the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. If you have any questions regarding a specific scholarship, please reach out directly to the department contact that is listed.
The Antoinette C. Bigel Scholarship Fund
Amount: Multiple awards per semester
Criteria: The Antoinette C. Bigel Scholarship Fund was established to support undergraduate and graduate students in Anthropology to participate in supervised field work (an internship, field school or original research) in anthropology. Student must be Anthropology majors, Anthropology minors, and/or Archaeology minors at Montclair State University. Student must have taken at least 12 credits of ANTH with a 3.0 GPA in them, and have taken Methods or equivalent. See website for additional criteria.
Deadline: Varies
Contact: Dr. Elaine Gerber, Chair, Bigel Fellowship Committee
The Kibbe Scholarship
Amount: Up to $200
Criteria: Student must be declared an academic major in Latin or Classics. The recipient must be a Montclair State student in the Fall of 2025 and have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
Deadline: April
Contact: Dr. Patricia Salzman ( or Dr. Prudence Jones (
Website/Application: NA
The Peins Scholarship
Amount: Up to $600
Criteria: Student pursuing an academic major in Classics and a minor in Latin. The recipient must be a full-time junior or senior and have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.2 and a GPA of 3.5 in at least two Latin courses. This award is intended for students who do not qualify for any other financial aid.
Deadline: April
Contact: Dr. Patricia Salzman ( or Dr. Prudence Jones (
Website/Application: NA
The Frank G. and Nicole McGuire Scholarship
Amount: Up to $2,000 towards tuition and fees.
Criteria: For a full-time undergraduate English major with at least 3.2 cumulative GPA. Graduating seniors are not eligible.
Deadline: Late March
Contact: Jeff Gonzalez
The Bessie Saslaw Solomon Memorial Scholarship
Amount: Up to $650 towards tuition and fees.
Criteria: English major who has shown a commitment to making a difference in the lives of people in the community. Possible activities could include, but are not limited to, tutoring those who cannot read or who are learning English as a second language; bringing the beauty of the English language to the community in some way; organizing others to do these or other projects. Particular consideration is given to students interested in teaching. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 overall and 3.5 in the major. (If two students meet these criteria, the scholarship may be divided equally between them.) Graduating seniors are not eligible.
Deadline: Late March
Contact: Jeff Gonzalez
The Shari Kandell Scholarship
Amount: Up to $1,000 towards tuition and fees.
Criteria: Female undergraduate English major who is employed while pursuing her studies. Preference is given to part-time students employed at least 20 hours per week. Must have at least a 3.0 GPA. Graduating seniors are not eligible.
Deadline: Late March
Contact: Jeff Gonzalez
The W. Leonard Newman Award
Amount: Up to $250
Criteria: For excellence in writing about film.
Deadline: Late March
Contact: Jeff Gonzalez
English Department Teacher Education Award
Amount: Up to $300
Criteria: For an outstanding undergraduate English Education student who has met all requirements for acceptance into the English Education Program.
Deadline: Late March
Contact: Jeff Gonzalez
W. Bernard Fleichmann Memorial
Amount: Up to $150
Criteria: For an English major who has shown excellence in the study of the humanities.
Deadline: Late March
Contact: Jeff Gonzalez
The Anthony Lovasco Shakespeare Award
Amount: Up to$150
Criteria: For an English major who has shown excellence in Shakespeare studies.
Deadline: Late March
Contact: Jeff Gonzalez
Elizabeth Dean Eler Memorial Award
Amount: Up to $300
Criteria: “For an outstanding essay by an undergraduate student focusing on poetry. This award was created by Barbara Eler in celebration of her mother, Elizabeth Dean Eler, a graduate of Montclair State in 1940, a dedicated high school teacher and poetry enthusiast. Recipient must have a minimum GPA of 3.2 or above.”
Deadline: Late March
Contact: Jeff Gonzalez
The Murray Prosky Prize in Irish Literature
Amount: Up to $100
Criteria: “For an outstanding paper on Irish literature written by an undergraduate or graduate student.”
Deadline: Late March
Contact: Jeff Gonzalez
The Vivien L. Kwiatek Scholarship
Amount: Up to $8,000 towards tuition and fees depending on financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid
Criteria: For an outstanding undergraduate English major or graduate student. This scholarship is determined based on both a student’s academic achievement and financial need. Graduating seniors are not eligible. Please note: students applying for the Kwiatek must have submitted a FAFSA form to financial aid before March 15th of the year of the award.
Deadline: Late March
Contact: Jeff Gonzalez
The Mary Bondon Graduate Scholarship
Amount: Up to $2,500 towards tuition and fees.
Criteria: Graduate student who intends to pursue a career in teaching English at the high school or college level. Students must have 8 or more credits remaining in the MA program. Winners may not be G.A.s with tuition waiver for the same semester in which the award will be applied.
Deadline: Late March
Contact: Jeff Gonzalez
The Lawrence H. Conrad Memorial Scholarship
Amount: Up to $1,5000 towards tuition and fees.
Criteria: Graduate student who is writing a thesis in American Literature. Students must have five or more credits remaining in MA program. Winner may not be G.A.s with tuition waiver for the same semester in which the award will be applied.
Deadline: Late March
Contact: Jeff Gonzalez
The Alice F. Freed Prize in Language, Discourse, and Society
Amount: Up to $250
Criteria: The “Alice F. Freed Prize in Language, Discourse, and Society” recognizes one graduate student in Linguistics who completes the Master of Arts Degree Program in Applied Linguistics with outstanding work in the field of Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, or Language and Culture. The prize will be awarded in May of each academic year. The full-time faculty of the Linguistics Department will select the recipient of the prize according to specific criteria.
Deadline: April 1
Contact: Linguistics Department at
David Benfield Philosophy Essay Prize
Amount: $200 first place, $100 second place
Criteria: “Essays on any topic in philosophy may be submitted. The author of the essay must be enrolled as a Philosophy major or minor at Montclair State University. The essay may be a revised course essay or a newly composed essay. A student may submit only one essay for consideration per year. Essays submitted previously may not be submitted a second time.”
Deadline: March
Contact: Tiger Roholt,
Tayler-Benfield Scholarship
Amount: Varies
Criteria: Scholarship provides financial assistance to a full-time undergraduate student in the departments of Religion, Political Science & Law OR Philosophy at Montclair State University who intends to attend law school. Candidates must be enrolled as a major in one of these departments and must be in their junior year or the first semester of their senior year at the time of application with 3.3 GPA or higher. Application required.
Contact: Dr. Brigid Harrison, Chairperson
The Rapoport Legal Scholarship
Amount: Varies
Criteria: Scholarship provides financial assistance to a full-time, second-semester junior or first semester senior with Jurisprudence or Pre-Law minor or BA/MA candidates, annually. Application required.
Contact: Dr. Brigid Harrison, Chairperson
The Dr. Harry Balfe II Memorial Senior Award
Amount: Varies
Criteria: Scholarship provides financial assistance to a senior, with 3.2 GPA or higher, who will be attending an ABA accredited law school in Fall. Awarded by committee, no application required. Available until depleted
Contact: Dr. Brigid Harrison, Chairperson
The Louis Eckstein Memorial Scholarship
Amount: Varies
Criteria: Scholarship provides financial assistance to a student who has completed a Public Administration Internship. Awarded by committee, no application required.
Contact: Dr. Brigid Harrison, Chairperson
The J.S. Gang Scholarship
Amount: Varies
Criteria: Student must attend MSU GR, financial need, interest earned.
Contact: Dr. Brigid Harrison, Chairperson
The Maurice Crescenzi Jr. Scholarship
Amount: Varies
Criteria: Scholarship provides financial assistance to an MA student. Scholarship is awarded based on academic achievement. Awarded by committee, no application required.
Contact: Dr. Brigid Harrison, Chairperson
Jerome and Cindy Seidman Award
Amount: Varies
Criteria: Scholarship is awarded based on academic achievement (highest cumulative GPA). Awarded to two full-time undergraduate Psychology majors. In the event of a tie, selection is based on service to school and community. No application required.
Contact: The Psychology Department,
Nancy Draper Fund
Amount: Varies
Criteria: Scholarship is awarded based on highest GPA and financial need. Students must major in program(s) offered by the Psychology Department. Recipients must be in good academic standing. Students must be Rising Junior undergraduate psychology majors. Awards will be applied to tuition (or books) for the fall semester of the next academic year. No application required.
Contact: The Psychology Department,
Nancy Walsh Scholarship
Amount: Varies
Criteria: Scholarship is used to assist psychology majors. The number of scholarships is determined by the Department Chair. To be eligible for this award, a student must be a Rising Senior undergraduate psychology major. Students with the highest GPA and who meet criteria for financial need will be awarded scholarships. No application required.
Contact: The Psychology Department,
Orpha M. Lutz Fund
Amount: Varies
Criteria: Candidates are nominated by full-time faculty members in the Psychology Department for excellence in research or teaching. Recipients (3 graduate and 7 undergraduate) are chosen by faculty committee. To be eligible for this award, students must be a Rising Junior, Rising Senior, or Graduate Student. No application required.
Contact: The Psychology Department,
Teresa De Escoriaza Scholarship
Amount: Up to $250
Criteria: For students, preferably a sophomore, with a minimum of 12 credits in Spanish; financial need; participation in extracurricular activities or service to the community or demonstration of special honors.
Deadline: Spring
Contact: Maria Jose Garcia Vizcaino, Chair
Jo Anne Engelbert Scholarship
Amount: Up to $1,000
Criteria: For students with a concentration in Translation; minimum GPA 2.75; minimum 3.00 GPA in Translation courses.
Deadline: Spring
Contact: Maria Jose Garcia Vizcaino, Chair
John And Emma Hwang Scholarship
Amount: Up to $1,000
Criteria: For students who attend the Montclair in Madrid summer program; academic achievement; financial need.
Deadline: Spring
Contact: Maria Jose Garcia Vizcaino, Chair
Olivia Yule Scholarship
Amount: varies
Criteria: For graduate students enrolled in the M.A. program; GPA of 3.5 in graduate courses; financial need.
Deadline: Spring
Contact: Maria Jose Garcia Vizcaino, Chair
Conrad J Schmitt Scholarship
Amount: Up to $5,000, two scholarships available
Criteria: Awarded to one Spanish major (full time prospective junior or senior), every year and in alternating years, one graduate student in Spanish. Preference for non-native speaking students who are studying foreign languages as their second language; academic achievement; minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA; financial need.
Deadline: Spring
Contact: Maria Jose Garcia Vizcaino, Chair
Eleanor Salmon Keyser Scholarship
Amount: Up to $1,000
Criteria: Academic achievement; Excellence in writing demonstrated in term papers, essays or creative writings in Spanish; service to the university and community.
Deadline: Spring
Contact: Maria Jose Garcia Vizcaino, Chair
Margaret B. Holz Scholarship approximately
Amount: Up to $500
Criteria: For study abroad for an undergraduate major in a foreign language; good command of the language and good record in all language courses; overall 3.0 average in all college courses; must be accepted into a study abroad program.
Deadline: Spring
Contact: Maria Jose Garcia Vizcaino, Chair
Conrad J. Schmitt Scholarship
Amount: Up to $5,000, two scholarships available
Criteria: Awarded to a World Languages and Cultures undergraduate major (full time prospective junior or senior) each year and to a graduate student in alternate years. Preference for non-native speaking students who are studying foreign languages as their second language; academic achievement; minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA; financial need
Deadline: Spring
Contact: Lois Oppenheim, Department Chair,
Cav. Joseph Coccia, Jr. Memorial Intermediate Italian Scholarships
Amount: 2 @ $500
Criteria: For a student enrolled in an Italian class who demonstrate high academic achievement. Priority will be given to students at the intermediate level.
Deadline: Spring
More information and Application: Coccia Scholarship and Internships
Coccia Foundation Award for Italian Major or MAT Candidate of High Achievement
Amount: one for $1,000 or two for $500
Criteria: Awarded to students enrolled in the Italian Major or MAT who demonstrate high achievement in the Italian Program.
Deadline: Spring
More information and Application: Coccia Scholarship and Internships
Italian American Club of Four Seasons of Great Notch Student Achievement Award
Amount: 2 @ $500
Criteria: Awarded to two students who demonstrate high achievement and commitment in Italian.
Deadline: Spring
More information and Application: Coccia Scholarship and Internships
Barbara Carbon Scholarship for Study Abroad
Amount: Up to $1,000
Criteria: This Department of Spanish and Latino Studies and Department of World Languages and Cultures award is offered on an alternating basis to Spanish and Italian students (Italian in even years, Spanish & Latino Studies in odd years). Awarded to a student enrolled in an Italian class who will attend a Study Abroad Program In Italy.
Contact: Lois Oppenheim, Department Chair,
The Jean McVean Undergraduate Scholarship 2 awards for
Amount: Up to $2,500
Criteria: This scholarship is available to full-time majors in the Department of World Languages and Cultures. Preference will be given to students who are entering their junior or senior year in the eligible major, and will take into account both the academic merit and financial need of applicants.
Minimum cumulative GPA required: 3.0 Please note: A FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form must be on file with the MSU Financial Aid Office for students to be eligible for this award.”
Deadline: Spring
Contact: Lois Oppenheim, Department Chair,
Margaret B. Holz Scholarship Program approximately
Amount: Up to $500
Criteria: Awarded to an undergraduate major in a foreign language to study abroad. Student must have a good record in all language courses with an overall B average in all university courses. Confirmation of enrollment in an academic language program abroad must be provided for the scholarship to be disbursed.
Deadline: March 1
Contact: Elizabeth Emery,