A student sitting down in a lounge chair working on her laptop in a colorful room.


What Are Holds?

Holds are placed on a student’s account when students have not completed necessary requirements established by the University or have not paid their outstanding bill.

  1. Log into NEST and then Degree Works to view your Hold.
  2. On Degree Works, you will see a column titled “Holds” which will tell you what type of Hold you have on your account

Can I register before I take the required action to remove the Hold?

Every Hold is different. To understand what is required of you, call Red Hawk Central 973-655-7600 or redhawkcentral@parkviewhousebb.com or the appropriate department (shown as originator on your account) to understand how the Hold affects you. Students with an outstanding balance are unable to register or receive transcripts because they are blocked by Financial Holds. It is important for you to take action immediately.

Common Types of “Holds”

Advising Hold

Advising Holds are typically placed on student accounts for academic reasons. If you have an advising Hold on your account you should reach out to your advisor to discuss options for having this Hold removed. All information concerning your advisor can be found via Degree Works.

This Hold WILL PREVENT registration until you meet with your advisor.  

Dean of Students Hold

Some students are placed on a Dean of Students Hold because of either disciplinary or registration reasons. This Hold WILL PREVENT registration.

Call the Dean of Students Office via 973-655-4118 for the specific course of action needed.

Immunization Hold

All students must submit evidence of the New Jersey required immunizations to the Student Health Center through the MyHealth Portal. Once submitted, information is reviewed for compliance.


Please visit the Immunizations web page or contact the Student Health Center at 973-655-3459 or askanurse@parkviewhousebb.com. Please do not fax documents to the Student Health Center.

Graduate Continuous Matriculation Hold

This Deactivation Registration Hold is applied to Graduate students who have failed to adhere to the Continuous Matriculation Policy.

This Hold WILL PREVENT registration until you meet with your Graduate advisor.  


Contact The Graduate School at 973-655-5147 or gradschool@parkviewhousebb.com.

Insufficient Funds Hold

This is a Hold which is placed on an account when a payment is returned due to insufficient funds or another reason stated by your bank. This Hold will remain on an account until the returned payment amount, plus the returned check service charge, is paid in full.

This Hold WILL PREVENT registration, release of a transcript, diploma and the ability to view your grades until your account balance is paid in full.


Parking Fine Hold

This Hold is applied to any student with an outstanding parking ticket. Contact Parking Services to relieve this Hold or pay this citation online! Only staff from Parking Services can remove this hold.

SA Small Balance Holds

Small Balance holds are placed on a student account if the current academic year cumulative balance is $3,000 or less (current academic year is defined as fall to summer).

This Hold WILL PREVENT release of transcripts, diploma and access to view grades.


SC Collection Holds

Collection Holds are placed on a student’s account when a student has not paid their outstanding bill and has been placed with a collection agency.

This Hold WILL PREVENT registration, enrollment verification, the release of transcripts, diploma, and access to view grades, the ability to pay online using the universities payment gateway, and submitting an application until the balance is paid in full.


SF Large Balance Financial Holds

Large Balance Financial Holds are placed on a student’s account when a student has an unpaid outstanding balance of $3,000.01 or more for the current academic year.  The academic year starts in the fall semester and ends with the summer semester.

This Hold WILL PREVENT registration, release of transcripts, viewing of grades, receiving your diploma upon graduation and submitting an application until the balance is paid. 

You can pay on NEST using a credit/debit card or with an electronic check. Payments can also be made in person at the Cashier Office in Cole Hall. Credit/Debit cards are not accepted at the Student Accounts Cashier’s Window.

Information related to viewing your bill; payment options and financial aid are available online to assist you in resolving this matter.


SR Prior Academic Year Balance Holds

SR Prior academic year balance holds are placed on a student account with a past due balance from a prior academic year. This balance must be paid in full to release the hold.

This Hold WILL PREVENT registration, enrollment verification, the release of transcripts, viewing of grades, receiving your diploma upon graduation and submitting an application until the balance is paid in full. 

Ways to resolve this hold: Students with an active NEST account can pay online via credit/debit or e-check. All students can pay in person (cash, check, money order) at the Cashier’s Office in Cole Hall. Students may also pay through Montclair’s Pre-Collection Agency.


Please contact Red Hawk Central (RHC) call 973-655-7600; email  redhawkcentral@parkviewhousebb.com or visit the RHC 1-Stop in the 2nd floor lobby of Susan A. Cole Hall for assistance.

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