Picture of the front of the University Police station

Records and Property

To request a copy of a police report, complete a Police Report Request Form, available in person at police headquarters, the police substation, or online. Submit the completed form via email to records@parkviewhousebb.com, via fax to 973-655-4049, or in person.

The Records Office will process your request and respond within five days regarding its fulfillment. Ensure the form is fully completed for timely processing. If approved, you may pick up the report or request it by email or US Mail. Any applicable fees must be paid before pickup.

The Records Office is on the first floor of the Police Substation in Abbott and Costello Building, located at The Village at Little Falls. For special arrangements, contact Records and Property at 973-655-7783.

NJ Open Public Records Act
  1. State law requires that in order to request access to government records, you must complete, sign and date this request form and deliver it in person, mail or by Fax during regular business hours, (*8AM to 2 PM Monday – Friday), to the appropriate custodians of records. Your request is not considered filed until the request form has been received by the appropriate custodian of records. If you submit the request form to any other officer or employee of the University Police, that officer or employee does not have the authority to accept you request form on the behalf of the appropriate custodian.
  2. If you submit a request for access to government records to someone other than the appropriate custodian, or attempt to make a request for access by telephone the Open Records Act and its deadlines, restrictions and remedies will not apply to your request.
  3. The fees for duplication of government records in printed form are listed on the top page of this form. We will notify you of any charges, special service charges or other additional charges authorized by State Law or regulation before processing your request. Payment shall be made by cash, check or money order payable to The University Police at Montclair State University. Requests with estimated fee exceeding $25.00 must be accompanied by a 50% deposit. Anonymous requests, when permitted, require a deposit of 100% of estimated fees. You agree to the balance due upon delivery of records.
  4. By State Law, a custodian MUST deny access to a person who is convicted of an indictable offense in New Jersey, any other state, or the United States, who is seeking government records containing personal information pertaining to the person’s victim or to the victim’s family.
  5. By law, The University Police MUST notify you that it grants or denies a request for access to government records within *7 business days after the custodian of the records receives the request, provided that the record is currently available and not in storage or archived. If the record requested is not currently available or is in storage or archived, the custodian will advise you within *7 days when the record can be made available and the estimated cost. You may agree with the custodian to extend the time for granting or denying your request or making records available.
  6. You may be denied access to a government record if your request would substantially disrupt agency operations and the custodian is unable to reach a reasonable solution with you.
  7. If the University Police are unable to comply with you request for access to a government record, the custodian will indicate the reasons for denial on the request form and send you a signed and dated copy.
  8. Except as otherwise provided by law or by agreement with the requester, if the custodian of records fails to respond to you within *7 business days of receiving a written, signed request form, the failure to respond will be considered a denial of your request.
  9. If your request for access to a government record has been denied or unfilled with in the time permitted by law, you have a right to challenge the decision by the University Police to deny access. At your option, you may either institute a proceeding in the superior court of New Jersey or file a complaint in writing with the Government Records Council (GRC) located in the Department of Community Affairs.
  10. Information provided on the form may be subject to disclosure under the Open Public Records Act.

* Business Days are defined as Monday thru Friday, not counting any State Holidays or unforeseen closures of the normal operation of the University, or The State of NJ.
Report Form MSUPD 16 001 Rev.05/2016

Open Public Records Request Form

Request Information Email

If you have completed the Open Public Records Request Form and selected email delivery, please fill out the Email Public Records Request Form and submit it along with your request.

Citizen’s Report

For property that you have lost on campus you may fill out a citizen’s report at Police Headquarters and if the item is located you will be contacted. You can also check the Student Center Lost and Found Inventory. If you should find unattended property promptly contact Police at 973-655-5222 or bring the property to Police Headquarters or the Student Center Information Desk. The Police Department cannot accept items of clothing or food. Community members who have had items recovered may pick up items (with proper identification) at the Police Substation in Abbott and Costello Hall, First Floor in the Village at Little Falls. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. (summer hours may be adjusted) and may be reached at 973-655-7783. If special arrangements are needed please contact Records and Property to arrange.